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Continuing Education at the Center for Image Science
Continuing Education at the Center for Image Science

You are interested in Continuing Education in the area of Digital Collection Management?

Then you should visit the pages of the Center for Image Science at the University for Continuing Education where you will find our current course offerings.


Contract Digitization in our DigiCenter
Contract Digitization in our DigiCenter

You are looking for a competent partner for the digitization of your collections?

Dont hesitate contacting us. We will find a suitable solution tailored to your needs.


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Questions regarding our range of services?

You are planning an inventory of your collection?

You may profit from our experience in the field of digital collection management. We prepare individual offers for any project phases. From fesibility studies to complete project planning and supervision.


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Suggestions for our online services?

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Albrecht Dürer Athanasius Kircher, Jesuit (2. ... Das Bischofsamt als Gipfel der ... Monatsheilige September
Albrecht Dürer Athanasius Kircher, Jesuit (2. ... Das Bischofsamt als Gipfel der ... Monatsheilige September
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